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Food Engineering Progress. Vol. 28, No. 3, 2024

Panax ginseng: A Promising Ally in Enhancing Non-Shivering Thermogenesis and Mitochondrial Function in Animal Models (A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis)
동물모델에서 인삼(Panax ginseng)의 비떨림 열발생과 미토콘드리아 기능 강화효과: 체계적 문헌고찰과 메타분석
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):145-155.
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Non-Thermal Sterilization Method for Raw Pet Food by Raw Material Using Ultra-High Pressure and Radiation
생식 펫푸드 원료별 비가열 살균 처리 방법: 초고압과 방사선
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):156-168.
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Mechanisms and Food Freshness-Indicating Capabilities of Hydrogen Sulfide and Relative Humidity Colorimetric Indicators
황화수소 및 상대습도 발색 신선도 지시계의 작동 원리 및 식품 신선도 지시능력 평가
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):169-177.
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Effect of Various Fermentation Conditions on the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Noni Juice-Fortified Yogurt
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):178-187.
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The Effect of Morning Care Products Administration on Ethanol-Induced Hangover in Mice
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):188-197.
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Where is the Potential for Alternative Food Growth Coming from and How Can It Positively Impact Our Environment?
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):198-206.
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Exploring the Potential of Maillard Reaction-Based Time-Temperature Indicators (TTI) to Visualize Moisture Variations During High-Temperature Drying Using Activation Energy Analysis
활성화에너지 분석을 통한 마이야르 반응 기반 TTI (Time-Temperature Indicator)의 고온 건조에서의 수분변화 가시화 가능성 검토
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):207-216.
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Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant Properties of Coffee Using Dried Fruit Powder
건조과일 분말을 첨가한 커피의 품질 특성 및 항산화성
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):217-224.
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Rottlerin Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in Differentiated 3T3-L1 Cells through LRP6/β-Catenin/TCF7L2 Down-Regulation
로틀린의 LRP6/β-Catenin/TCF7L2 억제에 따른 분화지방세포 내 지질 축적 감소
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):225-233.
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Effect of Protease-Hydrolyzed Faba Bean Protein and Chickpea Flour on the Physicochemical Properties of Rice Flour
쌀가루의 물리화학적 특성에 대한 가수분해 농축잠두단백과 병아리콩가루의 영향
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):234-242.
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Impact of Faba Bean Protein Concentrate-Anionic Gum Mixture on the Binding of Textured Vegetable Protein
조직식물단백의 결착에 대한 농축잠두단백-음이온성 검 혼합물의 영향
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(3):243-254.
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