Download File□ Use 12-point Times New Roman type and double space in A4-sized papers.
□ Full justify; do not use right or left justification.
□ Number all lines and pages.
□ Arrange the manuscript in the following order: title page, abstract and key words, text, acknowledgements, references, figure legends and tables.
□ Write running title with no more than 10 words.
□ Write the abstract concisely including background, aims, methods, results, and conclusions with maximum 200 words?
□ Write out the name of bacteria in full on first mention and always italicize.
□ Allocate a separate page for the title page.
□ Supply the name, affiliation, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
□ List references in the style given in the Introductions for Authors.
□ Cite all references, in order, in the text.
□ For references to books, provide the first and last page numbers of the chapter or the information cited, unless the reference is to the entire book.
□ Write titles and legends of tables and figures in English.
□ Place each table and figure on a separate page.