Editorial Policy


The manuscripts submitted for publication must be previously unpublished research works written in Korean or English, which are not being considered for publication elsewhere. All the authors must have agreed to the submission and to the order of their names on the title page. They must also have agreed that the corresponding author may act on their behalf throughout the editorial review and publication process. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining such agreement.

Editorial review and revision

The editors generally seek the advice of experts about manuscripts; however, manuscripts considered by the editors to be inappropriate for Food Engineering Progress may be declined without review. Journal uses a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and vice versa. All papers will be critically read by at least two anonymous reviewers, selected for their competence in the subject area of the paper. Acceptance of the paper will depend upon its scientific merit and suitability for the journal. A paper may be accepted in its original form or subject to revision. Reviewers are asked to evaluate manuscripts on the scientific value of the work, the level of interest to the broad and diverse readership, the appropriateness of the literature citations, and the clarity and conciseness of the writing. The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the paper. Manuscripts written by authors who are unsure of proper English usage should be checked by someone proficient in the English language before submission. Manuscripts failing to meet the standards or poorly written or formatted are editorially rejected without further review.

Publication Date

Manuscripts accepted for publication in Food Engineering Progress are published online rapidly, whereupon they may be cited by reference to the unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that is assigned to each manuscript. The publication date is recorded as the date a paper first appears online as a Food Engineering Progress Publications product. All papers are structured in yearly volumes and quarterly issues. Nevertheless, articles are published online immediately after acceptance and production.


The corresponding author of an accepted manuscript will receive e-mail notification and complete instructions when page proofs are available for review. The PDF proof made available for review is of publication quality so that authors may see a true representation of both the text and the graphics prior to publication. Page proofs should be checked carefully against the manuscript (in particular, all tables, figures, structures, captions, equations, and formulas, as well as clarity of the graphics), as this is not done by the Journal Publications office, and the corrections should be returned as soon as possible. No paper is released for publication until the author’s changes have been made or the author’s approval has been received. Authors should not request that their page proofs be held for an extended period of time. Manuscripts for which page proofs are not returned in a timely manner will be withdrawn from publication. Routine rephrasing of sentences or additions are not permitted at the page proof stage. Alterations should be restricted to serious changes in interpretation or corrections of data. Extensive or important changes on page proofs, including changes to the title or list of authors, are subject to Editorial review. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all authors listed on the manuscript agree with the changes made on the proofs. Comments on the proofs should be returned within 72 hours of receipt to ensure timely publication of the manuscript.


Free reprint copies of the published article will not be provided to the corresponding author. Authors may purchase reprints by requesting when manuscript is accepted. An order form with prices will be sent with proofs to the corresponding author.


Korean Society for Food Engineering (KSFE) reserves the copyright of all papers published in Food Eng. Prog.

Corrections Policy

Every article published by us constitutes the Version of Record (VoR): the final, definitive, and citable version in the scholarly record. The VoR includes the paper, revised and accepted following peer review, in its final form, including the abstract, text, references, bibliography, and all accompanying tables, illustration, data; and supplemental material.

Basically, it is our policy not to amend or alter this published VoR. However, if there is a significant error introduced by us during the production of the journal article, we publish corrections to the VoR as errata. A ‘significant error’ means an error which affects the scholarly record, the scientific integrity of the article, the reputation of the authors, or of the journal. We do not publish corrections that would not affect the article in a material way, nor significantly impair the reader’s understanding of the article.

If you have found an error in your article, please review the guidance below. And you believe a correction is necessary in your article, email us at food@foodeng.or.kr.

If we agree a correction is needed, and your article has been published online only, we will correct the error online, linking to a notice of correction via a footnote. However, if we find a correction is needed, but your article has already appeared in an issue, online and in print, we cannot make any changes to the online version. Instead, we will publish a correction notice which will be linked to the original article online.

Here are the examples of corrections we would make:

  • Spelling error or factual error in title
  • Author name spelt incorrectly
  • Affiliation, if this was incorrect at the time of submission
  • Missing text or typographical error, if the meaning is changed or an error introduced
  • Error in data
  • Error in copyright line
  • Error in correspondence details
  • Error in the submitted, received, revised, or accepted dates
  • Poor figure quality
  • Amendment to tables, figures, and appendices, if the meaning is changed or an error introduced
  • Figure source, attribution, or permission information missing
  • Missing or incorrect conflict of interest or disclosure statement
  • Missing funding information
  • Error in online-only supplemental data
  • Amendments to reference list when incorrect information given

And the following are the examples of proposed changes we would decline:

  • Title, if an aesthetic change only
  • Affiliation, if this has changed since submission
  • Text or typography, if the meaning is unchanged or no error has been introduced
  • Tables, figures, and appendices if the meaning is unchanged or no error has been introduced
  • Acknowledgements
  • Additional or updated references and citations