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Food Engineering Progress. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2024

Investigating the Fermentation and Quality Characteristics of Low-Malt Beer With Nurungji: A Potential Malt Substitute in Beer Production
누룽지를 첨가한 저맥아 맥주의 발효와 품질특성 연구
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):77-84.
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The Effect of Escherichia coli Inactivation on Packaging Films Under Intense Pulsed Light Treatment
포장 재질에 따른 대장균의 광펄스 처리 사멸 효과
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):85-92.
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Rottlerin Promotes Beigeing and Non-Shivering Thermogenesis via LRP6 Inhibition
로틀린의 LRP6 억제를 통한 ‘베이지화’와 열 발생 촉진
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):93-102.
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Production of Buckwheat Bread Containing Buckwheat Leaves and Laminaria japonica Extracts
메밀전초와 다시마 혼합물을 함유하는 메밀식빵의 제조
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):103-111.
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Effect of Wet- and Dry-Salting Pretreatments With Various Levels of Salt on Pork Skin Snack
습식 및 건식 염장 전처리가 돈피 스낵의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):112-118.
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Optimization of an Artificial Intelligence Model for Predicting the Texture of Bread With Different Baking Enhancers
제빵 개량제에 따른 식빵의 텍스처 예측을 위한 인공지능 모델 최적화
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):119-127.
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Antioxidant Activity of Broccoli and Cabbage Depending on the Extraction Solvent
추출 용매에 따른 브로콜리와 양배추 추출물의 항산화 활성
Food Eng Prog 2024;28(2):128-136.
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