Food Eng. Prog. 1998; 2(2):96-101
pISSN: 1226-4768, eISSN: 2288-1247
한외여과를 이용한 액젓(Sandlance)의 청징
이은미1, 강현아1, 장규섭1,*, 최용희2
Clarification of Sandlance Joetkal Using Ultrafiltration
Eun-Mi Lee1, Hyun-Ah Kang1, Kyu-Seob Chang1,*, Yong-Hee Choi2
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*Corresponding author: Kyu-Scob Chang, Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam national university. Taejon 305-764, Korea
ⓒ Copyright 1998 Korean Society for Food Engineering. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Published Online: Aug 31, 1998