양파추출물의 갈변 및 매운맛 억제기술
Received: Oct 22, 2009; Revised: Nov 17, 2009; Accepted: Nov 18, 2009
Published Online: Nov 30, 2009
The onion extractions of MIX treatment (5% β-cyclodextrin+1% calcium chloride+1% soluble starch mixture solution) using hot water (100°C and 80°C) and ultrasonic treatment (25°C) incresed L values and decreased a and b values apart from the extraction methods. Extent of the browning reaction as caused by the MIX treatment (0.093) following 100oC water extraction resulted in as low as 31% O.D. level, as compared to the control(0.296). Analysis of the pyruvic acid showed that the control had higher content of pyruric acid than MIX-treated samples. The MIX treatment had lower intensities and higher preferences of browning color and pungency taste compared to the control. The total and coliform microbial counts increased continuously during storage period, while the MIX treatment reduced the number of viable cells. Finally, it was concluded that the MIX treatment was highly effective in suppressing the undesirable browning color and pungent taste after processing, and the microbes increment during storage.