쌀 전분 첨가 옥수수, 감자, 고구마 전분 및 밀가루의 RVA 호화특성
Received: May 02, 2013; Revised: Aug 02, 2013; Accepted: Aug 05, 2013
Published Online: Aug 31, 2013
Rapid visco-analyzer (RVA) was used to evaluate the pasting properties of selected starches; i.e., corn, potato, and sweet potato starches and wheat flours substituted with rice starches isolated from normal and waxy rice samples. The gelatinization temperature and pasting viscosities of rice starch were lower than those of the corn, potato, and sweet potato starches. The peak and trough viscosities of normal corn starch increased as substitution levels of normal and waxy rice starches increased, while setback values tended to decrease. Contrary to normal corn starch, the peak viscosity of waxy corn starch decreased as substitution levels of rice starch increased, while final and setback viscosities increased. The peak viscosity of potato starch, showing the highest value among the starches, slightly decreased with increasing levels of rice starch. However, compared to the other starches, the pasting viscosity of potato starch substituted with rice starch was the highest and its setback value was the lowest. The pasting viscosity of sweet potato starch decreased as substitution levels of rice starch increased. Incorporating normal rice starch increased the pasting viscosities of wheat flour, while waxy rice starch resulted in lowered flour pasting viscosities.