혼합효소 처리에 의한 쌀 가공 부산물의 불용성 단백질 및 식이섬유 함량 변화 연구
Received: Apr 23, 2012; Revised: May 14, 2012; Accepted: May 14, 2012
Published Online: May 31, 2012
Rice contains a high amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin B, vitamin E, phytic acid and inositol. While the rice protein and carbohydrate are regarded as a good source of food in nutrition with its non-allergic characteristics, the application of rice by-products (RBP) in food industry has been limited to animal feed. This study, therefore, was conducted to increase the amounts of insoluble rice protein and rice dietary fiber in RBP by hydrolyzing carbohydrates in RBP using various commercial carbohydrases. Three commercial carbohydrases (Termamyl, Celluclast and Viscozyme) were used to hydrolyze carbohydrates in RBP. The rice wine meal, defatted rice bran and rice syrup meal were hydrolyzed with carbohydrases at optimum pH and temperature. The gravimetric method and Kjeldahl method were used to evaluate the changes in the amount of protein in samples and the results showed a similar pattern. Rice wine meal and defatted rice bran showed an increase in protein contents when they were treated by Termamyl and the highest synergistic effect was observed by cocktailing all of the enzymes. Rice syrup meal, however, showed little changes in protein contents due to the high initial contents. Remarkable changes in total dietary fiber contents were observed only in rice syrup meal.