사출구 구조에 따른 옥수수가루 압출성형물의 팽화특성
Received: Nov 30, 2010; Revised: Apr 25, 2011; Accepted: Apr 27, 2011
Published Online: May 31, 2011
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of die geometry on expansion index of extruded corn flour. Water solubility index, water absorption index and specific mechanical energy (SME) input were analyzed to observe the relationship with die geometry. The feed moisture content was 20 and 25%. Die dimensions were tapered angle (57, 95°) and length/diameter (L/D) ratio of die land (0.67, 1.67 and 2.67). The SME input was the highest at 20% moisture content and 2.23E-10 m3 die constant. The sectional and volumetric expansion indices at 20% moisture were increased with increase in die constant. However, die constant did not influence sectional expansion index of corn flour extrudate at 25% moisture content. The extruded corn flour at 25% moisture content had higher longitudinal expansion index than those of extruded corn flour at 20% moisture content. Sectional expansion and longitudinal expansion index were negatively correlated. The water absorption index and water solubility index were not affected with the die constant.