회분식 고강도 광원 처리에 의한 막걸리의 품질 및 저장성에 관한 연구
Received: Feb 13, 2012; Revised: Feb 20, 2012; Accepted: Feb 24, 2012
Published Online: Feb 28, 2012
Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a new nonthermal sterilization method intended for decontamination of food using short time high frequency pulses of an intense broad spectrum light. The effects of intense pulsed light on the bactericidal and quality attributes of akju during storage were investigated. Initial total viable cells of treated Takju was 1.8- 2.7×104 CFU/mL, reducing 1-2 log cycle as compared with those of untreated Takju. When the quality changes of treated Takju were examined during storage at 4°C and 30°C, reducing sugar contents increased in both untreated and treated Takju during storage. However, the pH remained constant or slightly decreased in both samples. Titratable acidity of untreated Takju increased rapidly as the storage time was extended, but that of treated Takju was gradually increased. Viable cells of total bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeast were maintained in both samples during storage at 4°C. However, the viable cells of treated Takju were simlar to those of untreated Takju after 2 days at 30°C.