과숙청과물 연화제를 첨가한 소시지의 물성 연구
Received: Nov 29, 2010; Revised: Feb 28, 2011; Accepted: Mar 03, 2011
Published Online: May 31, 2011
This study was aimed to analyze the changes in rheological properties of sausages added tenderizer made with overmatured used-up fruits such as kiwifruit, grape, and pear. The tenderizers were manufactured by various concentration of fruit extract and added to the sausage at different heating temperatures. Failure stress and stress relaxation of beef sausage mixed with different tenderizers were measured with Rheometer, and analyzed with 3-element Maxwell model. As a result of the rheological measurements, over-matured kiwifruit extract showed the best tenderness effect among other fruit extracts, and the more kiwi contents were added, the beef texture turned to softer. The instantaneous stress and elastic component of beef mixed with various tenderizers were decreased at higher concentrations and lower heating temperatures. This study was well expressed the numerical magnitude of viscoelastic components of beef sausages to determine the tenderizer effect