오징어간유 미세캡슐화 분말의 흡습특성
황성희1, 윤광섭1,*
Sorption Characteristics of Microencapsulated Squid Liver Oil Powder by Spray Drying
Sung-Hee Hwang1, Kwang-Sup Youn1,*
1Department of Food Science and Technology, Catholic University of Daegu 712-702, Korea
*Corresponding author: Kwang-Sup Youn, Department of Food Science and Technology, Catholic University of Daegu, 330, Geumnakri, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-702, Korea. Tel: 053-850-3209; Fax: 053-850-3209, E-mail:
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Published Online: Aug 31, 2008