Food Engineering Progress
Korean Society for Food Engineering

고전압 펄스 전기장에 의한 Saccharomyces cerevisiae의 불활성화에 미치는 외부조건의 영향

손석민1, 신정규2,*
Seok Min Son1, Jung-Kue Shin2,*
1호서대학교 식품생물공학과
2전주대학교 문화관광대학 전통음식문화전공
1Department of Food and Biotechnology, Hoseo University
2Department of Traditional Food Culture, College of Culture & Tourism, Jeonju University
*Corresponding author: Jung-Kue Shin, Department of Traditional Food Culture, College of Culture & Tourism, Jeonju University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk 560-759, Korea. Tel: +82-63-220-3081; Fax: +82-63-220-2736, E-mail:,

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Published Online: Aug 31, 2008