녹차분말과 올리브유 사용에 의한 DHA유를 첨가한 마요네즈의 품질특성
김재욱1,*, 홍기주2, 허종화3
Quality Characteristics of DHA Oil-Added Mayonnaise by the Addition of Green Tea Powder and Olive Oil
Jae-Wook Kim1,*, Ki-Ju Hong2, Jong-Wha Hur3
1Institute of Hadong Green Tea
3Department of Food Science and Technolog, Gyeongsang National University
*Corresponding author: Jae-Wook Kim, Institute of Hadong Green Tea, 539, Buchoon-ri, Whagyae-myon, Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, 667-822, Republic of Korea, Phone: +82-55-880-2872, Fax: +82-55-880-2879, E-mail:
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Published Online: Nov 30, 2007