이유식 제조 시 유동층 과립화 공정의 최적화
이상천1, 김은미2, 장규섭1,*
Optimization of Fluidized Bed Agglomeration in the Production of Weaning Food
Sang-Cheon Lee1, Eun-Mi Kim2, Kyu-Seob Chang1,*
1Namyang Dairy Products Co. LTD.
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam National University
*Corresponding author: Kyu-Seob Chang, Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chungnam National University, 220 Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejon, 305-764, Republic of Korea, Phone: 042-821-6727, Fax: 042-821-8897, E-mail:
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Published Online: May 31, 2007