Food Engineering Progress
Korean Society for Food Engineering

압출성형 공정변수에 따른 메밀 압출물의 페이스트점도 변화

이재강1, 임병순2, 류기형3,*
Jae-Kang Lee1, Byung Soon Im2, Gi-Hyung Ryu3,*
1공주대학교 식품공학과
2공주대학교 식품과학연구소
3공주대학교 식품영양학과
1Department of Food Science and Technology, Kongju National University
2Institute of Food Science, Kongju National University
3Department of Food Nutrition, Kongju National University
*Corresponding author: Gi-Hyung Ryu, Department of Food Science and Technology, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-800, Korea. Phone: +82-41-330-1484, Fax: +82-41-335-5944, E-mail:

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Published Online: May 31, 2006