자당 지방산 에스테르 또는 이소말토올리고당 첨가가 저장 쌀밥의 텍스쳐에 미치는 영향
김명환1,*, 김병용2, 김성곤3
Effect of Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester or Oligosaccharide Addition on Texture of Stored Cooked Rice
Myung-Hwan Kim1,*, Byung-Yong Kim2, Sung-Kon Kim3
1Department of Food Engineering, Dankook University
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Kyunghee University
3Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University
*Corresponding author: Myung-Hwan Kim, Professor, Department of Food Engineering, Dankook University, Cheonan 330-714, Korea
ⓒ Copyright 1997 Korean Society for Food Engineering. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Published Online: Aug 31, 1997