Food Engineering Progress
Korean Society for Food Engineering

식품의 조성과 미세구조에 의한 옴(Ohm)가열톡성의 변화

최성진1, 윤성원1, 이철호1,*
Sung-Jin Choi1, Sung-Won Yoon1, Cherl-Ho Lee1,*
1고려대학교 생명공학원 식품가공핵심기술연구센터
1Center for Advanced Food Science and Technology, Korea University
*Corresponding author: Cherl-Ho Lee, Professor, Center for Advanced Food Science and Technology, Graduate School of BiotechnoIogy, Korea University, 5 ga Anam-Dong, Songbukku, Seoul, 136-701 Korea

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Published Online: Apr 30, 1997